Total area of works: 27000 Sq. Ft.
ESSEL VALVES PVT. LTD. Incorporated in 2007. ESSEL VALVES PVT. LTD. Manufactures a vast range of products. There is more to this statement than meets
the eye. True, we have evolved as a manufacturer of repute over the years and have constantly added new
products to our range, which has resulted in a vast range. But our basic intention was never to be a Jack of all
and master of none. We have always kept our design & development on their toes, even when a product has
been positively accepted in the market, we have made changes for the better instead of resting on our laurels.
All the time of inception, our aim is in the field of Landing Valves, Hose Coupling, Hose pipe etc. (Iron such as
and Valves) Every effort was made to adhere to the relevant National and International Standards.
The company emphasize on Quality Assurance and Design Parameter. It is proud of the company to set up a
Computer Aided Design (CAD) System. The Company has on its rolls well experienced and Qualified
Engineers heading the Departments of Design, Quality Assurance & Production with dedicated team of
Technical Staff working under them.
Foundry Unit
ESSEL VALVES PVT. LTD. has its own foundries. A brief details for the various units are as under;
Materials (ASTM GRADES)
- Gunmetal : LTB2
- Aluminum : LM6
- Stainless Steel : (High and Low temp. service) CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, CF8C.
Production Capacity:
- Sand Cast Foundry : 270 Tons per annum
- Steel Foundry : 180 Tons per annum
Quality assurance is ensured by a written assurance program that include the following testing and
inspection procedure:
Chemicals - by a spectra meter
Mechanical - by UTM
Materials - Gunmetal, Brass, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Cast Iron
- Foundry for non farours materials such as Gun Metal, 85:5:5:5, NAB - II, AB-II, LTB-II, etc.
- Cupola furnace in 15" & 18" size for cast iron with capacity of tons per annum.
- Stainless Steel Material Such as CF8, CF8M
- Aluminum Such as LM6 with pressure die cast.